⚠️ Note: This website is no longer actively maintained. Last updated: June 11, 2022
I am a macroeconomist and Research Associate in the Department of Economics, Lancaster University. My primary research interests include theoretical and applied macroeconomics focused on the real estate markets. In particular, I examine the business cycle, property-price and investment dynamics when there is competition between households and firms for real estate. My secondary research interests focuses on explosive dynamics and asset predictability.
I am also affiliated with the Housing Observatory, an initiative aiming to improve our understanding of housing markets. Housing Observatory is comprised of two projects, the International Housing Observatory, which is in collaboration with the Globalization & Monetary Policy Institute of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and the UK Housing Observatory of Lancaster University.
Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, 2016
Lancaster University
MSc Economics, 2014
University of Macedonia (Greece)
BSc Economics, 2009
University of Macedonia (Greece)
Courses Tutored:
Responsibilities include:
Courses Tutored:
Understanding the international house price dynamics.
Understanding the UK national and regional house price dynamics.
I am the author and the maintainer of the following packages(selected) on CRAN:
R, Python & Matlab
Stata, C++, Dynare